Finepaper Postcards – 001
The collection
This project, an idea Alive and Printing developed by Finepaper in collaboration with a group of Brazilian artists, presents each postcard in the collection as a micro-class on graphic production. An aesthetic but also useful object that works as a collectible part of a catalog of materials, techniques, and printing solutions. The artistic aspect is enhanced by the technician and the technical aspect valued by the artistic, in a symbiotic process of learning and aesthetic appreciation.
“This is a must-have collection for art, design and print lovers and essential for all postcard collectors”
The graphic concept of Postal 001 — THE COLOR OF THE YEAR
The first postcard from the Finepaper Postcards collection, printed in the first month of 2021, addresses the theme of the color of the year. Since 2000, Pantone Institute Announce the PANTONE COLOUR OF THE YEAR 2021, a choice that represents global trends for the new year, reflects reflections and projects aspirations.
In 2021, the selection was in a double dose and the official colors are independent but complementary: PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray, with a proposed match of Cool Gray 7 + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating with a proposed match of 106 C. To highlight this event in the chromatic world, the collection was inaugurated with two postcards, instead of just one.

Artistic collaboration
Vanessa Teodoro she was the artist challenged by Finepaper to illustrate the first postcards in the collection. With a style defined by herself as a “complex battle between graphic patterns, figurative elements, and strong, contrasting colors, all with a touch of chaos and humor”, it seemed ideal for conveying the collection's opening message. Are we going through a moment of chaos? Without a doubt. Do we need humor? A lot. What about the color theme of the year? Here was the real challenge of the artist who has already won national and international recognition.
Known above all for her graphic compositions in black and white, with smaller notes of strong colors, how would she work on the colors of the year, gray and yellow, so far from her usual chromatic universe? Unsurprisingly, he did it to perfection.
For those who know Vanessa's illustration work for renowned brands, or her projects of Street art — large black and white murals scattered around Lisbon — these postcards can be, at first glance, unexpected and even unsettling. But the bold colors of the year failed to subvert the artist's strong visual identity, especially since the message transmitted is very much hers: WE ARE THE PEOPLE, THE TIME IS NOW.
This is a powerful start for the Finepaper Postcards collection and for the new year: two postcards by Vanessa Teodoro, armed with the colors of 2021 and with her strong, positive and interventional vision.

The materials
To fully honor this 2021 Pantone double selection and demonstrate the differences between direct colors in different situations, we decided to unfold this first postcard: two Pantones, two different looks and two different papers - one coated and the other uncoated. We are also committed to making these pieces with the greatest environmental rigour.
To flesh out these two versions of the postcard, we made two very different paper options:
- Postal 001A | version uncoated, printed on 350g/m2 Astropack. This is a special offset paper, white and slightly wrinkled, with a natural finish.
- Postal 001B | version Coated, printed on paper Diva Art 330 g/m2 — a white cardboard coated semi-matt on one side and a slightly matt couché back.
Added to these different qualities is the same purpose: respect for the environment and sustainability. Both papers are FSC certified, meaning that they come from responsibly cared for forests, providing environmental, social and economic benefits.
The production
A paper with this certification requires a printing company that can also certify the entire production process. Nowadays, with some adaptations and the right partners, it is possible to work in the graphic area while respecting the environment. The environmental certification of the entire production chain of a graphic object is, fortunately, an increasingly accessible reality and the brief future of graphic production worldwide. This product couldn't provide another example.
“Nowadays, with some adaptations and the right partners, it is possible to work in the graphic area, while respecting the environment.”
The partners
The dynamism and availability of all our partners, regardless of their size and specialization, always make it difficult to choose for each project we do at Finepaper. As always, once the decision was made, everything happened without major obstacles.
A TorrasPapel Portugal, the largest national paper distributor, which sells brands from the main manufacturers in the sector, as well as a wide range of its own products, was the ideal partner during the selection of the materials used in the two postcards. He advised us on the best solutions to highlight color, enhance artistic work and respect the environment, since it practices a strong environmental protection policy. It is their commitment to sell only products that have the most internationally recognized environmental certifications.
A Artipol, a printing company with over 40 years of experience, specialized in the production of books and packaging and a lot of experience in other types of projects, was the first choice for this challenge and the results speak for themselves: The two versions of the 001 postcard were printed with the highest quality and perfect finishes and with the bonus of environmental certification that Artipol can guarantee.
A IG Magazine — The Graphic World and Communication Magazine needs no introduction, or it were not the most read publication in the sector. Ana Paula Cecília, its director, is always ready to publicize Finepaper's projects and, this time, she sponsored the Finepaper Postcards, with her characteristic energy. Thus, the #208 edition of IG — January 2021 — was distributed with a bonus: the first two postcards from this collection. It's a must-see.
A Postalfree — Who hasn't removed a free postcard from a rack at the entrance of a restaurant or museum? This is a different, fun and effective way to send a message, promote a project or, in the present case, provide free micro-classes on graphic production while enjoying an artistic work. The Finepaper Postcard 001 — collaboration with Vanessa Teodoro, can be found on the Postal Free network.