Conscious prints

Graphic producers from the 1970s can remember the unintentional environmental mistakes made by their generation.

The current era is marked by the emergence of a long-dreaded pandemic, a consequence of human transgressions against the environment. The printing industry is highly dependent on various natural resources, which points to the need for contemplation and action to combat this abuse.

During this period, it was common to throw candy paper out of the bus window during field trips, to discard packages of potato chips on the way to school, or to flatten milk cartons at recess. Plastic was even considered the possible savior of forests.

The evolution of environmental awareness and responsibility since then prompts reflection on the transformations that have occurred. What has happened since then?

It seems evident that opinions have been increasingly influenced by prevailing political-economic circumstances and personal needs. It seems to be a complex game of conflicting interests.

Surprisingly, in a mere fraction of our planet's history, barely a thousandth of its existence, we were able to undo the progress of thousands of years. The question that stands out is: What will be the consequences of this rapid and significant transformation?

“For decades, scientists have repeatedly warned us that the destruction of forests would have unpredictable and devastating public health consequences. Now, time has run out and the time bomb has exploded.”

For the Amazon tribe Yanomami, Urihi is the living entity of the earth-forest, endowed with a breath of life, a mythical fertility principle. And what we're experiencing has nothing to do with that principle. Forests are our shields and keep us safe from diseases that circulate among wild animals.

For decades, scientists have repeatedly warned that its destruction would have unpredictable and devastating public health consequences. Now time has run out and the time bomb has exploded. Animal diseases such as Ebola, HIV, Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Avian Influenza, and Influenza A have raised the alert about possible pandemics in recent years.

All were triggered by human destruction and uncontrolled exploitation of wildlife-rich environments. Forest loss and degradation are already a real threat to global health, climate, security, and economic growth. And it arrived under the name SARS-CoV-2. The consequences are irreversible!”

It became evident that we had reached the limit - the one that seemed so far away but ended up reaching us, taking away what we had previously taken for granted: our freedom at every level.

Since we were confined to our homes, it has become evident that reality has given us a great awakening. It has compelled us to stop and reflect.

In the last two months, there was an 80% reduction in nitrogen dioxide emissions in Lisbon. This gas is a major contributor to respiratory diseases. The irony lies in the fact that this reduction is mainly a consequence of a disease that predominantly affects the lungs.

What is wrong is often talked about, but due consideration is not always given to how to effect significant changes. At Finepaper, we are committed to changing this perspective.

The printing industry depends on resources such as energy and water, as well as on raw materials such as paper and chemical components present in paints, varnishes, and solvents. Our decisions inevitably have environmental impacts associated with the life cycle of our projects. It's time to contemplate our actions and strategize ways to combat this abuse.

We will initiate a process to minimize the impact of what we do. We want to be more sustainable and use Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, Rethink and Refuse!

The size, shape, color, printing style, and raw material options will determine the size of our ecological footprint. And by making green decisions, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make more efficient use of natural resources. J

We already have as a principle the use of brands certified by FSC, which assure us that the role comes from responsible forest management. But we want more.

We make decisions that always result in environmental impacts associated with the life cycle of our projects. And it's time to think about what we're doing and how to combat this abuse.

The choice of paper with the highest percentage of recycled material, better use of paper size, partnerships with certifications, encouraging customers to use recycled materials and alternatives to plastic, are just some of the immediate solutions. Slowly, we are changing mindsets. The belief is that we will all emerge from this process more aware and less tolerant of our environmental future.

All together, we will try to calm Urihi's anger.

It's our Nature!

Design & DTP: Spice. Creative Seasoning

Illustration: Medzcreative

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