Printwise: Navigating the world of printing and its curiosities.
Embark on a journey that immerses yourself in the fascinating world of printing and its intriguing curiosities.
Discover the fundamental aspects of this ancient art, from the basic techniques that bring pages to life to the captivating stories behind each print.

Buying Print: The Secret Is Knowing How to Choose (Part 2)
Buying something usually presents no big problems. Choose the product. Select the vendor. Pay. Take the product home. This works with most products, but the printing is different. You're not actually buying a product. You are buying the manufacture of a product, that is, an entire production process.

Comprar Impressão: O Segredo Está em Saber Escolher (Parte 1)
Normalmente, comprar algo não apresenta grandes problemas. Escolher o produto. Selecionar o vendedor. Pagar. Levar o produto para casa. Isso funciona com a maioria dos produtos, mas a impressão é diferente. Você não está realmente comprando um produto. Você está comprando a fabricação de um produto, ou seja, todo um processo de produção.

Graphic producers from the 1970s can remember the unintentional environmental mistakes made by their generation.
The current era is marked by the emergence of a long-dreaded pandemic, a consequence of human transgressions against the environment. The printing industry is highly dependent on various natural resources, which points to the need for contemplation and action to combat this abuse.